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14 colors, 10 layers, and 3 split fountains silkscreen project for the annual REDCAT International Children’s Film Festival. Total run of 34 prints. 

Designed in collaboration with Bryan Gelderbloom

Dimensions: 20”x28”

Spring 2019

︎ Process ︎

The poster consisted of 10 separation layers. 

1, Blue – Magenta – Yellow split fountain → Sky
2. Light Blue – Pink split fountain → Lake
3. Dark Purple → Mountain
4. Yellow → CFF type and characters
5. Orange → “RedCat International” and characters
6. Teal Blue → Character details
7. Transparent Magenta → Character shadows
8. Fluorescent Lime Green → Fireflies
9. Transparent Cyan – Transparent White → Reflection of moon on lake
10. Black → Details, outer border and plant silhouettes